Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

Заявка на бесплатный урок. This journey was full of events. It was terrible. It is a castle perched over the Black Sea. Such islands are home to rich culture and complex histories.

All these places are very different, but I enjoyed every single moment. Usually I try to get up early. I go to have breakfast, take shower and go to the beach. In the morning the sun is not so dangerous, so I can take sun and swim. If I see some people playing volleyball I will sure join them.

Английский на отдыхе - фразы и диалоги в отеле, морской и лыжный отдых, английский для путешествий

I do sport even if I am on vacation. Afternoon I usually spend with my parents. We go for lunch and stay close to the swimming-pool on the shade.

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

I listen to music or read the book. If I feel tired or I wake up too early in the morning I can go to take a nap in the afternoon. Every my vacation I meet nice people there.

We hang out together and after vacation is finished, we chat a lot. My parents can go for romantic dinner, and I prefer to watch a movie in the room or go to play bingo. My seaside vacation is always different but fantastic. I did nothing in June and July, just got some sun baths. It was amazing to hear your own thoughts instead of yammer of classmates and to relax without them.

Frankly speaking, it was a little bit boring because my parents worked a lot and I was absolutely alone all the time in our big flat. But I was glad because I had time for myself at last. I was reading books, watcing films, series, listening to music, and visiting my best friend Susan. I spent most days outdoors and got a perfect suntan.

Sometimes I invited my friends to play computer games, watch TV or just go for a walk together.

Путешествия на английском языке. Английский для путешествий.

In August, my parents finally took a two-week vacation and we decided to spend this time abroad. We went to Turkey and the journey was marvelous. All days and all nights we were swimming in the warm and beautiful sea, drinking cocktails, dancing with locals, and tasting some delicious and so sweet bonbons and candies. We lived in 4-star hotel in the heart of Istanbul. We went to Sapphire mall and took a 4D Sky Ride.

Besides, we were flying in a helicopter all over Istanbul.

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

That was a great opportunity to choose the places where travelers could go. The Hagia Sophia Mosque, the underground water storage area and the Top Kapi Palace were the most fascinating places of the city. I also found many new friends and got my first kiss there. Walking barefoot on hot pebbles, I flopped into a big foamy wave!

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

I was in zero gravity, and stood on his feet much further from where jumped into the water. Truth be told, that the sea - a great power! Dolphinarium I loved it. Large fur seals, sea lions and walruses just seemed sluggish. A fast and agile dolphins and toothed whales beluga jumps from a springboard.

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском

They were very cheerful and friendly, they could pat. We took pictures with them. When we were leaving Sochi and I felt a little sad. After I got there an unforgettable experience!

Сочинение про отдых на море на английском